NYC Councilman: ‘Continued presence’ of Christian charity saving pandemic patients is ‘painful’ for LGBTs

NYC Councilman: ‘Continued presence’ of Christian charity saving pandemic patients is ‘painful’ for LGBTs by JONATHON VAN MAREN for Life Site News

It is time for Samaritan’s Purse to leave NYC…Their continued presence here is an affront to our values of inclusion,’ Corey Johnson, the speaker of the New York City Council, said May 1.

Over the weekend, former president George W. Bush released a call for unity, reminding his fellow Americans of the days following 9/11, when the entire nation seemed to speak with one voice. For a brief moment, political divides vanished in the face of a common enemy and a shared tragedy, and in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, Bush stated, it is time for Americans to come together.

But it has been a very long 19 years since 2001, and 2020 is a much different year. Americans are not the same people they were two decades ago, and I don’t need to rehash the details of the ongoing political polarization here. One particular example of America’s inability to bridge divides comes immediately to mind: The attacks by LGBT activists on the Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse, which set up a field hospital in Central Park to assist Mt. Sinai Hospital in treating victims of the pandemic.

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My cousin was one of the nurses working at the field hospital, and she told me that police were posted to ensure that LGBT protestors (yes, there were people protesting a field hospital during a pandemic because the organization funding the field hospital has a different view of sexual ethics) didn’t get rowdy. At one point, she said, an LGBT activist jumped the fence to plant a flag. The activists, working with a group called the Reclaim Pride Coalition, unironically waved signs that read “help not hate.”

“How was this group ever considered to bring their hatred and their vitriol into our city at a time of crisis when our people are fighting a pandemic?” demanded Jay. W. Walker of Reclaim Pride. He did not explain how a medical organization quite literally saving lives as hospitals were packed to the overflowing was “bringing hate and vitriol,” or how the medical professionals risking their lives to save strangers were “hateful” while he, in protesting the help being given to the sick and dying, is somehow “loving.” This is a person so blinded by hate he cannot even understand how ludicrous he sounds.

And now that the curve has been flattened and the pandemic appears (at least for the moment) to be under control, progressives are immediately going on the attack again. The volunteers with Samaritan’s Purse risked their own lives to save the lives of strangers, but now that the immediate danger seems to have passed, LGBT activists are again demanding that they get evicted. Corey Johnson, the speaker of the New York City Council, released a statement to Twitter on May 1:

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